Sketch Nature | For adults
- When
– - Where
- Park Dräi Eechelen
- In conjunction with the exhibition
Enfin seules. Photographs from the Archive of Modern Conflict
- On the occasion of the
- Workshop with
Alan Johnston
- Age
- Languages
LU / FR / DE / EN
- No experience required
No material required
- Fee
8€ / workshop
- Limited admission
Subject to modification or cancellation
- Booking required
t +352 453785–531- Face mask mandatory
Physical distancing must be respected
Discover the Park Dräi Eechelen in an unusual way with the sketcher and painter Alan Johnston. His work displays scientific precision and goes beyond mere illustration to create a kind of ‘poetic geography’ through his ‘albums of transportive places’, which he almost always produces in situ. Johnston loves to take the time to wander, and to become receptive to chance and random occurrences. Together, we shall ask him about his worldview, which lies somewhere between art and science, between looking and seeing.