Creative Lunch | Work in Progress
- When
– - No experience required
No material required
- Fee
18€ / workshop (lunch included)
- Registration for the full cycle
- Booking required
t +352 453785-531- Limited places
Subject to modification or cancellation
- Language
LU / FR / DE / EN
- COVID-19
Face mask mandatory
Physical distancing must be respected
Midday workshops for adults
Discover a work or an exhibition in the museum and get actively involved by experimenting with new artistic techniques. Finally, enjoy a convivial moment around a lunch.
16.10.2020 | 12h30-14h30 | Work in Progress
Within the framework of the exhibition Charlotte Posenenske: Work in Progress
20.11.2020 | 12h30-14h30 | The Space in Between
Within the framework of the exhibition Leonor Antunes. joints, voids and gaps
11.12.2020 | 12h30-14h30 | Fragmentations
Within the framework of the exhibition Giulia Cenci. Mudam Collection