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When Pigs Fly! With Ken Nilles(LU & EN)




80€ for 5 sessions

It is mandatory to be present during the 5 days

No previous experience needed

Materials are available on spot

Places are limited

Booking required

mudam.com/artfreakbooking, t +352 453785–531

Masks obligatory

In 1954, Lord of the Flies came out onto the book market and has fascinated entire generations since. The book tells the story of a group of children who have been abandoned on a desert island and have to decide about their own lives together. A story that ends in absolute chaos.

Would you be able to escape this disaster 66 years later? And how would you and your group live together?
If you have ideas and want to share them, come and tell your story in the educational film project When Pigs Fly!