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LaToya Ruby Frazier

Mit ihrer Arbeit als Fotografin zielt LaToya Ruby Frazier (1982, Braddock, USA) darauf, Menschen, Orten und Problemen, die meist unbeachtet bleiben, zu mehr Sichtbarkeit zu verhelfen. Nach dem Vorbild von The Notion of Family (2001–2014), realisiert auf der Basis ihrer eigenen familiären Erfahrungen, zeichnet sich ihr Werk aus durch sein Vermögen, sich mit Problemen wie der Ungleichheit im Gesundheitswesen, den Folgen der Deindustrialisierung oder der sozialen und ökologischen Gerechtigkeit auseinanderzusetzen. Dabei geht sie stets von persönlichen Situationen oder Lebensläufen aus. Indem sie Inspiration aus unterschiedlichen Quellen bezieht – wie von zahlreichen, den dokumentarischen Stil im 20. Jahrhundert prägenden Fotografen, wie Walker Evans (1903–1975), Dorothea Lange (1895–1965) oder Gordon Parks (1912–2006), über die afro-amerikanische Literatur bis hin zur Performance und Konzeptkunst der 1960er und ’70er Jahre – erneuert sie die Tradition der dokumentarischen Fotografie aus einem sehr persönlichen Blickwinkel und aus der Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Protagonisten heraus.

Das Ensemble Flint is Family (2016-2017) besteht aus 26 im analogen Verfahren abgezogenen Schwarz-Weiß-Fotos. Ausgangspunkt war ein Auftrag der Zeitschrift Elle zu einer Dokumentation in Form eines Fotoessais zu einer der schlimmsten gesundheitspolitischen Katastrophen der Vereinigten Staaten: der Vergiftung mit Blei des Trinkwassers in Flint (Michigan), die zurückging auf eine kostensparende Maßnahme im Leitungssystem. Wie schon in The Notion of Family behandelt Frazier die Folgen dieser Krise aus der Perspektive dreier Frauen verschiedener Generation: Shea Cobb, Poetin und Schulbusfahrerin, ihre Mutter Renée Cobb und ihre Tochter Zion. Die Fotoserie verbindet Fragmente ihres Alltags, in denen die Bleikatastrophe deutlich wird, mit Fotos von Demonstrationen oder Luftaufnahmen des urbanen und industriellen Umfelds und knüpft so Verbindungen zwischen den persönlichen Erfahrungen und der politischen, sozialen und ökologischen Wirklichkeit.


  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea Brushing Zion’s Teeth with Bottled Water in Her Bathroom, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea Brushing Zion’s Teeth with Bottled Water in Her Bathroom, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘A Flint Child Showing Me a Wanted Poster of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964), Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier A Flint Child Showing Me a Wanted Poster of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964), Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Andrea Holding Her Daughter Nephratiti Outside the Social Network Banquet Hall, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Andrea Holding Her Daughter Nephratiti Outside the Social Network Banquet Hall, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazie, ‘The Flint Water Treatment Plant, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier The Flint Water Treatment Plant, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea and Zion at the Badawest Restaurant on Corunna Road, Flint, Michigan, I’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea and Zion at the Badawest Restaurant on Corunna Road, Flint, Michigan, I, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea Doing Crochet Braids in Her Cousin Andrea’s Hair for Andrea’s Daughter’s Wedding, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea Doing Crochet Braids in Her Cousin Andrea’s Hair for Andrea’s Daughter’s Wedding, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea Leading Her Newlywed Cousins out of the Floyd J. McCree Courts and Human Services Center, 67th District Court, on Friday May 16, 2016, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea Leading Her Newlywed Cousins out of the Floyd J. McCree Courts and Human Services Center, 67th District Court, on Friday May 16, 2016, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea and Zion departing Flint MI for Mississippi at 4 a.m. on June 25th 2016’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea and Zion departing Flint MI for Mississippi at 4 a.m. on June 25th 2016, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, I’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, I, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, II’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, II, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

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