Mudamini Photography Classes (age 9–12)
- When
– - Fee
90€ for all sessions
- Year-round registration
t +352 453785–531
14h30 – 16h30
Everyone takes daily photographs, but how do you frame them? This crash photography course allows children to become experienced little photographers and discover all the secrets of photography in 9 sessions.
13.10.2019 (Double session) Caméra obscura with Neckel Scholtus – roulotograph
19.10.2019 (Double session) Caméra obscura with Neckel Scholtus – roulotograph
30.11.2019 Cadrage et échelle
19.01.2020 Edition d’image
16.02.2020 Light Paint
15.03.2020 Portrait / Autoportrait
19.04.2020 Documentation / Série
17.05.2020 Sun Print
21.06.2020 Mise en page
Only for Mudaminis.
No experience required.
Material provided.
Min. 3, max. 12 participants.
LU / FR / DE / EN