Laurent Massaloux
The Audiolab project sits at the intersection of design, music and visual arts. Initiated in 2000, it is co-produced by Mudam Luxembourg, whose collection houses the three works created for this occasion, two of which are on view in the Jardin des Sculptures. At the initiative of Hervé Mikaeloff (b. 1969, Neuilly-sur-Seine) and Jean-Yves Leloup (b. 1968, Paris) – both curators and the latter also a sound artist and DJ – various French designers were invited to imagine a listening unit geared toward welcoming visitors into the ideal conditions for diffusing music. Patrick Jouin (b. 1967, Nantes), Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec (b. 1971 and 1976, Quimper) and Laurent Massaloux (b. 1968, Limoges) were selected, first and foremost, for their attention to traditional design, as well as contemporary art and exhibition design. Representing a young generation of designers, they developed a system that closely considers the relationship between the space and a mode of attentive and prolonged listening. A playlist was especially conceived for each of these immersive structures, bringing together international practitioners. The sonic pieces were thus commissioned from musicians who flout the rules and genres of music, as well as contemporary artists who do not necessarily work in this medium. Experimental in its interdisciplinary approach, the project enabled a close collaboration between the designers, artists and musicians, the latter relying upon the detailed plans of the units to create their acoustic works with the aim of heightening the perception of the environment in the viewer through the duration of the experience.
Laurent Massaloux Audiolab 3, 2003 Métal, tissu, laine
250 x 350 x 650 cm
Conception sonore : Thierry Balasse
Œuvres sonores : Sutekh, Franck Scurti, The Customers (Daniel Pflumm & Kotai), David Toop, Thomas Brinkmann, Domotic, AGF (Antye Greie), Rébecca Bournigault, Circle around the zero (Emre Sevindik)
Collection Mudam Luxembourg
Donation 2004 – Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
© Photo : Jean-Yves Leloup