Didier Marcel
A profound artistic curiosity for sculptural questions concerning shape, size, texture and presentation is combined in the work of Didier Marcel (b. 1961, Besançon, France) with the know-how of an artist capable of orchestrating craftsmen specialised in contemporary materials to conceive sophisticated results. The often mundane motifs of the works of Didier Marcel draw from the lands of his immediate environment. The tree trunk moulds in polyester resin adopt the position of supporting columns while the presentations in relief of ploughed pieces of earth as well as his other works lend his work an enigmatic distance. Extracts of imaginary landscapes or elements of images in space, his works represent the details of a reality whose alienation underlines how the ideas that one has about nature are a cultural production. Didier Marcel is as much interested in plays of scale as he is in the sophisticated framing of his works. The very particular plinth structures, or the production in a sales showroom style, underlines the artificial character of the situation. Didier Marcel responds to the sometimes nostalgic tones of his works with an impeccable technical perfection and surprising coloured accents.
Didier Marcel Sans titre (Labours), 2006–2007 Elastomère teinté, acier inox poli
52 x 300 x 200 cm
Collection Mudam Luxembourg
Acquisition 2007
Vue de l'exposition Walking through…, 27.04.2011 – 06.11.2011, Mudam Luxembourg
© Photo : Rémi Villaggi | Mudam Luxembourg