Danse Partagée – Online workshop with choreographer Yasmine Hugonnet
- Quand
- Language
- Via Zoom
Link shared shortly before the workshop.
- Duration
30 min, followed by a short Q&A.
- Free of charge
Places are limited.
- Booking required
(Please state your preferred date and time)
Thu 03.12.2020 | 12h00 + 13h00
Thu 10.12.2020 | 12h00 + 13h00
Thu 17.12.2020 | 12h00 + 13h00
As a game of imitation, Swiss choreographer Yasmine Hugonnet is inviting you to play – by looking, imitating, leading, and doing. In participating, you become the viewer and the maker, you replay relationships with the space surrounding you, and your actions and expressions will be reflected in other people’s bodies.
The computer screen is emerging as a framed stage, where we can play with appearance and disappearance, with proximity and distance, and the postures of our own bodies.
Yasmine Hugonnet and participants will be working with the anatomical parts of the body, seen as modular elements, just as Charlotte Posenenske used modular systems to create her sculptures. We are breaking the clear division between creation and production, creator and user, to work collectively towards a common performative moment.