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Streaming: Solo musical performance by Pascal Schumacher

We are excited to announce that within the Grand Hall of Mudam a solo musical performance by Pascal Schumacher will take place as a special event in conjunction with the closure of the exhibition Robert Morris: The Perceiving Body.

Pascal Schumacher will release his album SOL with a special stream straight from Mudam Luxembourg - Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean on June 5th at 9 pm (CET). The session will take place at the center of Robert Morris’ 1977 "Untitled (Portland Mirrors)" installation. This immersive art-piece uses mirrors and timber to challenge the audience's conceptions of perception and space.

Pascal’s session will be filmed by producer and director Yann Tonnar, known for his films Garden Stories (2011) and Alehouse Rock (2014) and as the creative producer of the tv series routwäissgro (2015-2020). Join Pascal Schumacher as he delves deep into the magic of going solo with SOL.

(c) 2020 The Estate of Robert Morris, Artists Rights Society, (ARS), New York.


Solo musical performance by Pascal Schumacher