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Making Flippy Floppy Livestream

Live soon!

In this lecture, organised within the context of Peter Halley’s exhibition Conduits: Paintings from the 1980s, curator and art historian Dr Paul Pieroni will explore how Halley’s paintings of the 1980s construct new chains of meaning between American minimalist abstract painting and sculpture from the 1950s and 1960s and a range of social forms and urban textures particular to New York City.

Join us at Mudam Auditorium (free entry) or for a livestream of the lecture here, on Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 19h0020h30. In English.

Please refresh the link shortly before the discussion.

Vue de l'exposition "Peter Halley Conduits: Paintings from the 1980s", Mudam Luxembourg 31.03 – 15.10.2023 © Photo : Marion Dessard | Mudam Luxembourg
Vue de l'exposition "Peter Halley Conduits: Paintings from the 1980s", Mudam Luxembourg 31.03 – 15.10.2023