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Visitt op Lëtzebuergesch




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t +352 453785–531

Visite guidée des expositions. Pour visiteurs individuels et petits groupes (maximum 4 personnes).

Agnieszka Kurant, ‘Air Right 7’, 2021. Powdered stone, foam, wood, electromagnets, acrylic paint, custom pedestal. Fabrication: Krzysztof Smaga. Courtesy of the artist. View of the exhibition ‘Agnieszka Kurant: Risk Landscape’, Mudam Luxembourg © Photo: Mareike Tocha | Mudam Luxembourg
Agnieszka Kurant, ‘Air Right 7’, 2021. Powdered stone, foam, wood, electromagnets, acrylic paint, custom pedestal. Fabrication: Krzysztof Smaga. Courtesy of the artist. View of the exhibition ‘Agnieszka Kurant: Risk Landscape’, Mudam Luxembourg
© Photo: Mareike Tocha | Mudam Luxembourg