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Visite guidée des expositions. Pour visiteurs individuels et petits groupes (maximum 4 personnes).

Isaac Julien, ‘Once Again... (Statues Never Die)’, 2022. Five-screen installation, 4K transferred to digital, black and white, 9.2 surround sound. 31 min 34 sec. Commissioned by the Barnes Foundation and the Ford Foundation, with additional support from the Sharjah Art Foundation, Linda Pace Foundation, Carol Weinbaum and the University of California, Santa Cruz. Courtesy of the artist and Victoria Miro, London. View of the exhibition ‘A Model’, Mudam Luxembourg © Photo: Marion Dessard | Mudam Luxembourg
Isaac Julien, ‘Once Again... (Statues Never Die)’, 2022. Commissioned by the Barnes Foundation and the Ford Foundation, with additional support from the Sharjah Art Foundation, Linda Pace Foundation, Carol Weinbaum and the University of California, Santa Cruz. Courtesy of the artist and Victoria Miro, London. View of the exhibition ‘A Model’, Mudam Luxembourg
© Photo: Marion Dessard | Mudam Luxembourg