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Visite guidée des expositions. Pour visiteurs individuels et petits groupes (maximum 4 personnes).

Krista Belle Stewart, ‘The Gift’, 2019. Nez Perce regalia style dress and belt made for the artist by Johannes in 2007. Gifted to the artist in 2019. Deer hide, deer tails, glass beads, seed beads, cowry shells, sinew, acrylic paint. Courtesy of the artist. View of the exhibition ‘A Model’, Mudam Luxembourg. Photo: Mareike Tocha © Mudam Luxembourg
Krista Belle Stewart, ‘The Gift’, 2019. Nez Perce regalia style dress and belt made for the artist by Johannes in 2007. Gifted to the artist in 2019. Deer hide, deer tails, glass beads, seed beads, cowry shells, sinew, acrylic paint. Courtesy of the artist. View of the exhibition ‘A Model’, Mudam Luxembourg. Photo: Mareike Tocha
© Mudam Luxembourg