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Visite guidée des expositions pour visiteurs individuels et petits groupes (maximum 5 personnes).

Sonya Rapoport, ‘Shoe-Field Map’, 1989. Digital print on vinylised paper with translucent colour printed acetate collage. ‘Shoe-Field Printouts’, 1986. Dot matrix print, collage, colour photocopy on acetate, paper, cellophane, coloured typewriter and graphite on continuous feed computer printout paper and vellum. 7 folios. ‘Shoe-Field Slides’, 1986/2024. Set of 61 slides. Exhibition copies. ‘Shoe-Field Tiles’, 1986/2024. Reproduction of a set of 91 tiles including  ve ‘shoe-psyche’ designs. Printed vinyl floor. Courtesy of the Estate of Sonya Rapoport. View of the exhibition ‘Radical Software: Women, Art & Computing 1960–1991’, Mudam Luxembourg. Photo: Mareike Tocha © Mudam Luxembourg
Sonya Rapoport, ‘Shoe-Field Map’, 1989, ‘Shoe-Field Printouts’, 1986, ‘Shoe-Field Slides’, 1986/2024 + ‘Shoe-Field Tiles’, 1986/2024. Courtesy of the Estate of Sonya Rapoport. View of the exhibition ‘Radical Software: Women, Art & Computing 1960–1991’, Mudam Luxembourg. Photo: Mareike Tocha
© Mudam Luxembourg