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LaToya Ruby Frazier

À travers son travail photographique, LaToya Ruby Frazier (1982, Braddock, États-Unis) s’attache à rendre visibles des personnes, des lieux et des problématiques qui demeurent habituellement occultés. À l’exemple de The Notion of Family (2001-2014), créée à partir de sa propre expérience familiale, son œuvre se distingue par sa capacité à traiter de questions telles que les inégalités d’accès aux soins, les conséquences de la désindustrialisation ou la justice sociale et environnementale en partant de situations et de parcours personnels. Creuset d’influences variées, des photographes qui ont façonné le style documentaire durant le XXe siècle (Walker Evans (1903-1975), Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) ou Gordon Parks (1912-2006) par exemple) à la littérature africaine-américaine en passant par la performance et l’art conceptuel des années 1960-1970, elle renouvelle la tradition photographique documentaire en l’abordant du point de vue de l’intime et de la collaboration.

Composé de vingt-six tirages argentiques en noir et blanc, l’ensemble Flint is Family (2016-2017) a pour point de départ la commande que le magazine Elle lui a passée en 2016 de documenter, sous la forme d’un essai photographique, l’une des plus importantes catastrophes sanitaires qu’aient connues les États-Unis : la contamination au plomb de l’eau potable de la ville de Flint (Michigan), survenue suite à une modification du mode d’approvisionnement du réseau hydraulique visant à réaliser des économies. Comme dans The Notion of Family, Frazier aborde les conséquences de cette crise à travers le prisme de trois générations de femmes, Shea Cobb, qui est poète et conductrice de bus scolaires, sa mère, Renée Cobb, et sa fille, Zion. La série photographique associe des fragments de leur vie quotidienne dans lesquels transparait la catastrophe sanitaire, des moments de protestations civiles et des vues aériennes du contexte urbain et industriel, tissant ainsi des liens entre expériences personnelles et réalités politiques, sociales et environnementales.


  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea Brushing Zion’s Teeth with Bottled Water in Her Bathroom, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea Brushing Zion’s Teeth with Bottled Water in Her Bathroom, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘A Flint Child Showing Me a Wanted Poster of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964), Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier A Flint Child Showing Me a Wanted Poster of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964), Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Andrea Holding Her Daughter Nephratiti Outside the Social Network Banquet Hall, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Andrea Holding Her Daughter Nephratiti Outside the Social Network Banquet Hall, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazie, ‘The Flint Water Treatment Plant, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier The Flint Water Treatment Plant, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea and Zion at the Badawest Restaurant on Corunna Road, Flint, Michigan, I’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea and Zion at the Badawest Restaurant on Corunna Road, Flint, Michigan, I, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea Doing Crochet Braids in Her Cousin Andrea’s Hair for Andrea’s Daughter’s Wedding, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea Doing Crochet Braids in Her Cousin Andrea’s Hair for Andrea’s Daughter’s Wedding, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea Leading Her Newlywed Cousins out of the Floyd J. McCree Courts and Human Services Center, 67th District Court, on Friday May 16, 2016, Flint, Michigan’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea Leading Her Newlywed Cousins out of the Floyd J. McCree Courts and Human Services Center, 67th District Court, on Friday May 16, 2016, Flint, Michigan, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Shea and Zion departing Flint MI for Mississippi at 4 a.m. on June 25th 2016’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Shea and Zion departing Flint MI for Mississippi at 4 a.m. on June 25th 2016, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, I’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 50,8 x 61 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, I, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    50,8 x 61 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

  1. LaToya Ruby Frazier, ‘Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, II’, 2016–2017. ‘Act I’ comprenant 26 photographies, de la série ‘Flint Is Family’, 2016–2022. Tirage gélatino-argentique, texte. 61 x 50,8 cm. Collection Mudam Luxembourg. Acquisition 2022 © LaToya Ruby Frazier. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery
    LaToya Ruby Frazier Flint Students and Community Members Outside Northwestern High School (Est. 1964) Awaiting the Arrival of President Barack Obama, May 4, 2016, Flint, Michigan, II, 2016–2017

    Extrait d’un ensemble de 26 photographies de la série Flint Is Family, 2016–2022
    Tirage gélatino-argentique
    61 x 50,8 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2022
    © LaToya Ruby Frazier
    Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

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