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The “Ket Baker” Forum | Didier Demorcy : Histoire de blés et d’Occident


Within the framework of the exhibition

Freigeister. Fragments of an art scene in Luxembourg





Booking required

Fully booked!


Access limited to people who can provide proof of vaccination, negative test or recovery

For further information

In reaction to the social distancing measures imposed during the pandemic and under the motto ‘living together’, with his work Ket Baker, Daniel Wagener invites us to come together to bake bread in a custom-made oven placed in front of the museum. The installation is also an opportunity to engage with the artist and his guests and explore your knowledge of bread, grains and flour, the skills involved in making dough, the art of leaven, how to knead dough, prepare kindling to fire the oven, and baking techniques.

A series of informal exchanges for varied learning experiences in a relaxed environment are organized around the work “Ket Baker” (2021) by Daniel Wagener.

28.11.2021 | 14h30 – EN | 16h00 – FR
Karl de Smedt: All about sourdough, The Sourdough library Brussels

15.12.2021 | 19h00 – FR
Didier Demorcy : Histoire de blés et d’Occident. Des premiers semis paléolithiques aux récoltes en péril du capitalisme mondial
About the evolution of different species of cereals, their cultivation and their use...
But also: coevolution, domestication and symbiosis; the influence of alcohol and fermentation on the fate of Sapiens of the genus Homo; deforestation and global warming; the rise of city-states and slavery; the influence of the plow on the relegation of women; Jethro Tull and the Physiocrats; clandestine or invasive weeds; farmers and farm operators; gluten and improvers; hybrids and GMO; old and country varieties; soil restoration and plant intelligence(s)... Not forgetting the influence of the weather on the peasants' mood.
Didier Demorcy is a documentary filmmaker, interested in non-academic knowledge. For 20 years, he has been involved in learning about different agricultural practices, and is the administrator of the Li Mestère association, promoting the use of old varieties of cereals.

30.01.2022 | 15h00 – LU/FR
FerroForum et DKollektiv : Alerte Gourmande – Iessen op eege Gefor ! Autour du livre Gudden Appetit

13.02.2021 | 15h00 – LU
François Kieffer: Vun ale Weesszorte zum Brout

© Photo : Caroline Vincart