Printmaking Classes for teens
- When
– - Where
- Mudam Studio
- Fee
90€ for all sessions
- Booking for the whole year
t +352 453785–531
This year-long course is aimed at teenagers from the age of 13.
The new ART FREAK PRINTMAKING CLASSES allow you to immerse yourself into fascinating secrets of printing techniques, you can discover during 9 sessions over the year 2019 –2020.
20.10.2019 Monoprint
24.11.2019 Stencil
15.12.2019 Imprint (Empreinte)
26.01.2020 Engraving
23.02.2020 Screenprint
22.03.2020 Woodcut
26.04.2020 Lithographie
24.05.2020 Etching 1/2
28.06.2020 Etching 2/2
No previous experience needed.
Material provided.
Min. 3, max. 15 participants.
LU / EN / DE / EN
The 2019/2020 cycle is fully booked.
Thanks for registering again in September 2020.