MUDAMINI 360° (Option C)
- When
– - Where
- Mudam Studio
- A year-long cycle of workshops
For children from 9–12 years old
- Languages
- No experience required
No equipment to bring
- Fee
100€ for 9 lessons
- Booking
Sold out!
The Mudamini Fanclub is changing: Welcome to the new Mudamini 360°!
This autumn, we’re delighted to announce a brand-new concept for our artsy classes: Mudamini 360°! For this new season, we decided to reinvent our classes and welcome our Mudaminis by offering them a unique and (even more!) enriching programme.
Mudamini 360° is not only a change of name, but more importantly, a change in the way we embrace all possible perspectives and techniques, with a practice that means to be as wide as the name itself.
Now, our young artists-to-be will not only focus on one specific technique along the nine sessions but will have the opportunity to learn and explore different techniques along the way.
Each class will provide a complete and varied experience, leaving plenty of space for experimenting with different materials, concepts and techniques. Each class will be a unique opportunity to explore new techniques and develop artistic skills.
By the end of the year, an exhibition with the results of each of the three classes will be held at Mudam’s Studio, where parents, friends and the public are invited to celebrate the outcome of this experience!
We invite you to sign up for this new artistic adventure.
Together, we’ll create a space that celebrates imagination, curiosity and exploration.
Are you ready to discover the artist in you?