Mudam Akademie | Know modern art – Dig contemporary creation
- When
– - Where
- Mudam Auditorium
- Organised in collaboration with
Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
- Language
- Lecturer
Claude Moyen
- Timetable
LU | 18h00–19h00
FR | 19h30–20h30- Registration
Full cycle:
Single lecture:
Focused on exploring the beginnings of modern art to the present day, the Mudam Akademie programme is aimed at all individuals who wish to acquire or deepen their knowledge of modern and contemporary art. Each lecture takes as its starting point a work of art on display at Mudam in order to identify a theme, leading to a review of the major currents and movements in the history of 20th century art.
Lecturer Claude Moyen holds an arts doctorate and teaches art education at Diekirch high school, where he also coordinates the BTS Media Writing diploma. From 2006 to 2017, he served as Mudam’s educational advisor. In 2010 he introduced Mudam Akademie – a lecture series on the history of modern and contemporary art, which has been the subject of a publication, Eng Geschicht vun der Konscht vun haut [A History of the Art of Today] (Éditions Mudam)
Session 1
Exploring architecture in modern art
Looking at the work of Tina Gillen in the 25 Years of the Mudam Collection exhibition
Session 2
Exploring money in modern art
Looking at the work of Mohammed Bourouissa in the Post-Capital: Art and the Economics of the Digital Age exhibition
Session 3
Exploring abstraction in modern art
Looking at the work of Giorgio Griffa in the 25 Years of the Mudam Collection exhibition
Session 4
Exploring Luxembourg’s modern art scene
Looking at the Freigeister (Free Spirits). Fragments of an art scene in Luxembourg and beyond exhibition
Session 5
Exploring monochrome in modern art
Looking at the work of Blinky Palermo in the 25 Years of the Mudam Collection exhibition
Session 6
Exploring fashion in modern art
Looking at the mirror mirror: cultural reflections in fashion exhibition
Session 7
Exploring concept in modern art
Looking at the ‘Rules of the game’ section in the 25 Years of the Mudam Collection exhibition
Session 8
Exploring series in modern art
Looking at the work of Zoe Leonard
Session 9
Exploring installation in modern art
Looking at the work of Martine Feipel and Jean Bechameil
Session 10
Exploring portraiture in modern art
Looking at the work of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
In the event of a cancellation by Mudam, catch-up sessions will be held on 17.06.2022 and 24.06.2022.
Mudam Akademie Online
Did you miss a lecture? Would you like to revisit a subject? Were you are not able to get to Mudam? You can now follow Mudam Akademie at home by accessing the lectures recorded in video format. The course dates remain the same and the video links will be sent to you by email.