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Frontières, Borders, Grenzen by 11th grade G class of the Schengen Lyzeum


Mudam Studio
Within the framework of the exhibition

Zoe Leonard. Al río / To the River

Exclusively for school classes

Free of charge

Booking required
t +352 453785–531

The 11th grade G class of the Schengen Lyzeum, in close collaboration with the pedagogical department at Mudam, has spent the second semester of the 2021-2022 school year reflecting on the theme of ‘borders'. What is a border? Do we need borders? These questions are all the more relevant in Schengen, where borders seem to be disappearing but remain impassable lines for some. How do young people feel about these borders today? How do they experience them in their daily lives? The students present the very personal results of this project in the Mudam Studio during the closing weekend of the Zoe Leonard. Al río / To the River exhibition.

You can also join the ‘Regards croisés’ visits with your school class, during which the students take a very personal look at the exhibition and share their thoughts on the theme of borders.

Schüler•innen der 11G Leistungskurs Bildende Kunst des Schengen-Lyzeums © Foto: Mudam Luxembourg
Schüler•innen der 11G Leistungskurs Bildende Kunst des Schengen-Lyzeums
© Photo : Mudam Luxembourg