A Collection of Stories!
- When
- Where
- Mudam Soundcloud
- Original stories by
Luisa Bevilacqua
- Age
- Languages
To mark the 25 years of existence of its collection, the Mudam invites you to see the works in its collection in a new light. Or rather, hear it told in a new light, because the artist-storyteller Luisa Bevilacqua will lead you into a world of stories, immersing young and old in a perceptive, playful performance that will enable them to look at the artworks with fresh eyes.
Mudam Podcast: One collection, a host of stories!
A collection of original stories by Luisa Bevilacqua based on the Mudam Collection. Throughout 2021, you can discover and listen to a podcast of original stories dreamed up by Luisa Bevilacqua and inspired by works from the Mudam Collection.
Mer 06.01.2021 : Story 1
« Il fait noir : l’Univers entier baigne dans une nuit profonde, où on ne voit rien. On entend juste parfois : pffffh ! Un soufflement. »
French version | Luxembourgish version
Story inspired by the work of art:
Galaxy Evolution Melody, 2012
By Lutz & Guggisberg
Mudam Luxembourg Collection
Sun 14.02.2021 : Story 2
« Haruto est un petit garçon avec le nez tout le temps tourné vers le ciel. Il marche et regarde le ciel. Il mange et regarde le ciel. Il rêve et regarde le ciel. Et le ciel se reflète dans ses grands yeux bleus. »
French version | Luxembourgish version
Story inspired by the work of art:
n°50 Acaso Palafito, 2002
By Javier Vallhonrat
Mudam Luxembourg Collection
11h00 – EN | 14h00 – FR | 16h00 – LU
Storytelling session 2 artworks, 2 stories
By Luisa Bevilacqua at Mudam
Booking: mudam.com/minibooking
Sat 01.05.2021 : Story 3