A Collection of Stories!
- When
- Where
- Mudam Soundcloud
- Original stories by
Luisa Bevilacqua
- Age
- Languages
To mark the 25 years of existence of its collection, the Mudam invites you to see the works in its collection in a new light. Or rather, hear it told in a new light, because the artist-storyteller Luisa Bevilacqua will lead you into a world of stories, immersing young and old in a perceptive, playful performance that will enable them to look at the artworks with fresh eyes.
Mudam Podcast: One collection, a host of stories!
A collection of original stories by Luisa Bevilacqua based on the Mudam Collection. Throughout 2021, you can discover and listen to a podcast of original stories dreamed up by Luisa Bevilacqua and inspired by works from the Mudam Collection.
Mer 06.01.2021 : Story 1
« Il fait noir : l’Univers entier baigne dans une nuit profonde, où on ne voit rien. On entend juste parfois : pffffh ! Un soufflement. »
French version | Luxembourgish version
Story inspired by the work of art:
Galaxy Evolution Melody, 2012
By Lutz & Guggisberg
Mudam Luxembourg Collection
Sun 14.02.2021 : Story 2
Sat 01.05.2021 : Story 3