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Lara Favaretto – Clandestine Talk – Live stream

Live soon!

Live stream of Lara Favaretto’s series of ‘clandestine talks’ at Mudam, within the framework of the exhibiton Post-Capital: Art and the Economics of the Digital Age.
Also available on thinking-head.net.

24.11.2021 | 14h00
Francelle Cane (Chair of Urban Regeneration in Esch)
Ludwig Engel (Futurologist and urbanist)
Hannes Grassegger (Economist and award-winning reporter)
Marija Maric (Postdoctoral research associate at the Master in Architecture Programme of the University of Luxembourg)
Markus Miessen (Professor of Urban Regeneration at the University of Luxembourg)

Former clandestine talks

22.10.2021 | 16h00
Sven Biscop, Sarah Khabirpour & Geert Lovink

04.11.2021 | 16h00
Patrice Riemens, Stéphane Duguin & Caterina Riva

Please refresh the address mudam.com/clandestine-talks 10 minutes before the announced online streaming.