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Gaylen Gerber

In the smaller Support paintings Gerber (1955) first paints a more traditionally scaled canvas grey, and then he gives that painting to another artist who creates a work on top of his. Gaylen Gerber celebrates the unifying role of art by suggesting that meaning does not come from a single work but from an interaction of works, thus becoming a metaphor for the entire Eldorado the opening exhibition of Mudam.


  1. Gaylen Gerber Support/Daisy Pattern, 1999

    Gaylen Gerber & Michelle Grabner
    Huile, laque et bourre sur toile
    96.5 x 96.5 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2006
    © Photo : Rémi Villaggi

  1. Gaylen Gerber Support/Untitled # 4, 2003

    Gaylen Gerber & B. Wurtz
    Huile sur toile, fil de fer, boîte de fil dentaire, fil dentaire
    96,5 x 183 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2006
    © Photo : Rémi Villaggi

  1. Gaylen Gerber Support/Untitled, 2003

    Gaylen Gerber & Heimo Zobernig
    Huile sur toile
    69 x 69 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2006
    © Photo : Rémi Villaggi

  1. Gaylen Gerber Support/Untitled, 2004

    Gaylen Gerber & Heimo Zobernig
    Huile sur toile
    69 x 69 cm
    Collection Mudam Luxembourg
    Acquisition 2006
    © Photo : Rémi Villaggi

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