After the Benaki Museum in Athens and before the Fashion Museum in Antwerp and the Museum of Design in London, Mudam presents RRRIPP!! Paper Fashion. This exhibition conceived by ATOPOS, constitutes a research result on paper clothing, a very widespread phenomenon in the United States at the end of the sixties, but little known by the general public. Starting with the historical context, the exhibition is seeking new ways to treat the topic of material and ways of working fabrics, woven or non-woven materials, like paper or similar ones. Presenting various methods to use paper in the fashion of today, it shows design, art and publicity objects, as well as filmed fashion shows and recent creations by some of the most innovating fashion designers like Hiroaki Ohya, Hussein Chalayan or Issey Miyake. Thought in an evolutive manner, the exhibition RRRIPP!! Paper Fashion, proposes, with every new venue its shown, another point of view on the history and the future of the paper material.