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Portugal Agora – À propos des lieux d’origine


The history of the Grand Duchy is closely related to that of immigration. The Portuguese community accounts for almost 40% of the foreign community and constitutes 14% of the population of Luxembourg. Perfectly integrated, this community, including its younger generation, preserves a strong relationship with its country of origin. À propos des lieux d’origine (About the places of origin), a title borrowed from a work by Pedro Cabrita Reis (Mudam Collection), glances on different generations of the Portuguese artistic scene. Through various media - photography, video, painting, sculpture, installation - the exhibition paints with broad features the portrait of a creative and dynamic country with which Luxembourg maintains a close relationship.


  • Clément Minighetti
    Marie-Claude Beaud
    Björn Dahlström


Helena Almeida, Felipe Oliveira Baptista, Miguel Branco, Fernando Brízio, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Isabel Carvalho, Filipa César, Gil Heitor Cortesão, Pedro Costa, José Pedro Croft, Luísa Cunha, Alexandre Estrela, João Paulo Feliciano, Marco Godinho, Margarida Gouveia, João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva, Ricardo Jacinto, Rui Moreira, Paulo Nozolino, João Onofre, Bruno Pacheco, Miguel Palma, João Penalva, João Queiroz, Jorge Queiroz, Paula Rego, Rigo 23, Miguel Ângelo Rocha, Mafalda Santos, Sancho Silva, Ângelo de Sousa, Pedro Sousa Vieira, João Tabarra, Rui Toscano, Francisco Tropa, João Pedro Vale, Joana Vasconcelos.