Viel Spaß mit kulturellen Aktivitäten für Groß und Klein zu Hause
Mudam from home ist das digitale Aktivitätenprogramm des Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean. Hier finden Sie ein umfangreiches Online-Freizeitangebot für Kinder und Erwachsene.
Activities for kids
Have fun with your children with Mudam activities at home.

Audio tales for kids.
You can't come to our workshops? Here is a series of videos to watch at home, that will stimulate your creativity.
Und auch noch...
Iwwer d'Wolleken eraus
Bastel aus engem Stéck Pabeier ee Villchen dee flitt. Géi den Uleedungen am Dokument dat's de erofluede kanns no.
E Spill ouni Enn
Ergänz abstrakt Formen mat dengen Zeechnungen a veränner se sou dat se eppes duerstellen. All d’Biller ginn am Mudam Studio ausgestallt.
Is life standing still ? – Send me a picture of your still life
See what objects you have at home and build your own compositions. Express your creativity through either photography or painting!
Draw me a tree
Start by capturing an image in your mind: tall grass, a path winding between the pines, beeches at the edge of the forest,... then, fix the image you've imagined with pigments of colour, a bit of water and some paper.
Discover Mudam from home by downloading Actionbound App.
Ech gesinn eppes, wat's du net gesäis
An dëser Serie stellen sech Konschtwierker, déi grad bei eis am Musée stinn, selwer vir. Lauschtert gutt no: Dir kënnt matrode wéi se ausgesinn an se duerno esou molen, wéi dir iech se virstellt.

Activities for adults
Members of the Mudam team share up recommendations for books, movies or music that, if they are broadly related to the museum’s activities, are mainly meant for your entertainment.
Catalogues on Display! is an initiative to provide free online access to selected catalogues and excerpts of publications that have been published for Mudam’s exhibitions.
Members of the Mudam team share up recommendations for books, movies or music that, if they are broadly related to the museum’s activities, are mainly meant for your entertainment.
Catalogues on Display! is an initiative to provide free online access to selected catalogues and excerpts of publications that have been published for Mudam’s exhibitions.