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Magali Weirich | Coordinatrice Communication

Theme: Communication (Cognitive communication)
Name of the book: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Author’s name: Mark Haddon
Publisher: Vintage Contemporaries, 2004


Truly one of a kind! This mystery novel written by British writer Mark Haddon is narrated in the first-person perspective of a 15-year-old boy who describes himself as ‘a mathematician with some behavioral difficulties’. It is a story about consciousness, perception, otherness, and courage – as the author put it, ‘about seeing the world in a surprising and revealing way.’

Good to know: it was published in separate editions for adults and children

Morgane Gury | Chargée de communication digitale

Theme: Communication
Title: The Social Network - Film
Director: David Fincher


This film from the 2010's is a must-see to understand how Facebook, the social network with 2.5 billion users, was born, and who its creator, Mark Zuckerberg was.
This social network is today a must-have for every individual in private life, but also for those who communicate in the professional world.
It is good to watch this classic again at a time when social networks are our main communication tool.

Theme: Communication
Title: Mélancolie heureuse (2018) - Album
Composer: Tim Dup


Mélancolie heureuse - an album that I can listen to over and over again, because of the diversity of melodies in each song. The lyrics are elaborate and reveal a story. Perfect to listen to without moderation in the background of our headphones while we work, from home.

Theme: Communication
Title: Communicator, Toute la communication à l’ère digitale ! - Book
r: Assaël Adary, Céline Mas, Marie-Helène Westphalen
Éditeur: DUNOD


This is for me the ultimate reference for my job. The book contains the history of the profession, as well as interviews, concrete cases, suggestions for reflection and explanations of the strategies of the biggest brands: due to its richness and the fact that it is focused on digital, it is a reference for anyone interested in the various aspects of today's communication!

Yves Hoffmann | Responsable Communication et Engagement

Theme: Communication
Selected word: Regard
Name of the book: Controverses – Une Histoire juridique et éthique de la photographie, (catalogue de l’exposition éponyme qui s‘est tenue au Musée de l’Elysée à Lausanne en 2008)
Author’s name: Daniel Girardin, Christian Pirker
Publishers: Actes Sud/ Musée de l’Elysée


"Photographs can be published for decades and then banned, or on the contrary they can be distributed after a period of secrecy or confidentiality. The whole question is how photographs are interpreted and what meaning is given to them." Daniel Girardin

Theme: Communication
Title of the book: Le Silence des peintres
Author’s name: Philippe Dagen
Publisher: Hazan
Année de parution: 2012


While many have devoted themselves to war scenes throughout the history of art, why are painters missing when it comes to depicting the Great War?

The first mechanised conflict that marked the industrialization of death in the battlefield saw the use of film and, above all, photography developed. This is due, among other things, as a result of their ability to represent reality through the instantaneous and supposedly objective capture of events, as opposed to painting and drawing, which are slow and subjective.

Theme: Communication
Name of the movie: Blow-Up - (Film)
Director’s name: Michelangelo Antonioni
Producer: Carlo Ponti Production et Bridge Films


Make no mistake, the Swinging London dress codes only accentuate the nonchalant and timeless elegance of Blow-Up, released in 1966. Is an event real beyond the existence of its representation, in this case photographic? What have we perceived through our five senses and is it necessary to combine them in order to provide irrefutable proof that an event has really happened? What do we perceive, what do we interpret and what do we imagine? What tricks do our preconceived ideas play on us?