The Mudam Collection
Resolutely international in its scope and ambition, the collection's holdings consist of more than 800 works of art in all media by artists from Luxembourg and around the world.
A small nucleus of the collection consists of fashion and design objects. Over 54 works are the result of commissions by Mudam for its distinctive architectural context. The constitution of the collection traces back to the first acquisitions for the museum in the 1990s, the creation of the Museum of Modern Art Grand-Duc Jean Foundation in 1998, and the opening of the Museum in 2006. While the decade of the 1960s serves as an historic point of reference for contemporary art, the majority of works in the collection date from 1989 to the present. One of the few exceptions to this historical span is the ensemble of furniture for the Paimio Sanatorium, designed between 1930 and 1933 by the architect Alvar Aalto, and acquired in 2000.
The scientific committee for the Mudam Collection is composed of Myriam Ben Salah (Executive Director and Chief Curator of The Renaissance Society in Chicago), Manuel Borja-Villel (Former Director of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid), Frances Morris (Former Director of Tate Modern in London), and Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (Director and Chief Curator, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin), with the representative of the board of directors Danièle Wagener. The committee is presided by Mudam director, Bettina Steinbrügge.
Works from the collection currently on show at Mudam
- Stephan Balkenhol, Portaits de SS.AA.RR. Le Grand-Duc Jean et La Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte
- Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, Mudam Café
- Michel Paysant, Nano-portraits de SS.AA.RR. le Grand-Duc Henri et la Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa
- Martin Szekely, Lobby
- Finnegan Shannon, Do you want us here or not (Mudam)
Works from the collection currently on show at Park Dräi Eechelen
- Maria Anwander, The Present
- Nina Beier, Guardians
- Andrea Blum, gardens + fountains + summer café
- Fernando Sánchez Castillo, Bird Feeder
- David Dubois, Chênavélos & Bancs-terre
- Finnegan Shannon, Do you want us here or not (Mudam)
Loan requests
Loan requests must be submitted in writing to the direction of Mudam, via the email address, including the following elements:
- The artwork requested for loan (title, date, artist, description)
- The title and dates of the exhibition
- A presentation of the exhibition, highlighting the role of the requested artwork in the context of the exhibition
The loan request must also include the facility report for the exhibition venue and the conditions for the display of the requested artwork.
Loan requests must be submitted at least nine months before the exhibition’s opening date.
Artists and artworks
- Alvar Aalto
- Basel Abbas & Ruanne Abou-Rahme
- Marina Abramović
- Lawrence Abu Hamdan
- Dennis Adams
- Mac Adams
- Etel Adnan
- Saâdane Afif
- Eija-Liisa Ahtila
- Doug Aitken
- Haluk Akakçe
- Vyacheslav Akhunov
- Helena Almeida
- David Altmejd
- Francis Alÿs
- Adriano Amaral
- Carlos Amorales
- Noel W. Anderson
- Christian Andersson
- Emmanuelle Antille
- Ana Rita António
- Leonor Antunes
- Maria Anwander
- Maria José Arjona
- John M Armleder
- Alexandre Arrechea
- Art Orienté Objet
- Michael Ashkin
- Fikret Atay
- Martha Atienza
- Tarek Atoui
- Sylvie Auvray
- Maarten Baas
- Txomin Badiola
- Nairy Baghramian
- Stephan Balkenhol
- Ernesto Ballesteros
- Bruno Baltzer
- Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press
- Claire Barclay
- Sam Baron
- Burt Barr
- Emily Bates
- Eric Baudelaire
- Vincent Beaurin
- Beaurin Domercq
- Bernd & Hilla Becher
- Monique Becker
- Nina Beier
- Valérie Belin
- Orit Ben-Shitrit
- Cecilia Bengolea
- Berger&Berger
- Stefano G. Bianchi
- Pierre Bismuth
- Jean-Marie Biwer
- Laurianne Bixhain
- Justine Blau
- Sylvie Blocher
- Andrea Blum
- Katinka Bock
- Manon de Boer
- François Boisrond
- Cosima von Bonin
- Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
- Mike Bourscheid
- Aline Bouvy & John Gillis
- Andrea Bowers
- Miguel Branco
- Ulla von Brandenburg
- Robert Breer
- Candice Breitz
- Guillaume Bresson
- Brognon Rollin
- Tania Bruguera
- Lonnie van Brummelen & Siebren de Haan
- Christoph Büchel
- Erik Bulatov
- Chris Burden
- Daniel Buren
- Victor Burgin
- Jeff Burton & Jean Colonna
- Gerard Byrne
- Cabrita
- Sophie Calle
- Mircea Cantor
- Caretto/Spagna
- Yaima Carrazana Ciudad
- Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson
- Giulia Cenci
- Hussein Chalayan
- Hsia-Fei Chang
- Nicolas Chardon
- Jacques Charlier
- Masaya Chiba
- Mel Chin
- Chto Delat? (What is to be done?)
- David Claerbout
- Claude Closky
- James Coleman
- Hannah Collins
- Tony Conrad
- Pascal Convert
- Marie Cool Fabio Balducci
- Gil Heitor Cortesão
- Marc Couturier
- Stéphane Couturier
- Tony Cragg
- Alexandra Croitoru
- Rosson Crow
- István Csákány
- Attila Csörgő
- Björn Dahlem
- Gaston Damag
- Gaston Damag & Manuel Ocampo
- Jose Dávila
- Richard Deacon
- Mark Dean
- Simone Decker
- Alain Declercq
- Edith Dekyndt
- Wim Delvoye
- Thomas Demand
- Damien Deroubaix
- Jessica Diamond
- Teresa Diehl
- Jason Dodge
- Helmut Dorner
- Stan Douglas
- Doris Drescher
- Jürgen Drescher
- David Dubois
- Jimmie Durham
- Rainer Ganahl
- Vincent Ganivet
- Dominique Gauthier
- General Idea
- Gaylen Gerber
- Jochen Gerner
- Franz Gertsch
- Jef Geys
- Dominique Ghesquière
- Beatrice Gibson
- Gilbert & George
- Tina Gillen
- Liam Gillick
- John Giorno
- Marco Godinho
- Geert Goiris
- Philipp Goldbach
- Nan Goldin
- Jack Goldstein
- Nicholas Grafia
- Rodney Graham
- Paul Granjon
- Konstantin Grcic & Nitzan Cohen
- Giorgio Griffa
- Johan Grimonprez
- Julien Grossmann
- Guan Xiao
- Marie-Ange Guilleminot
- Cai Guo-Qiang
- Andreas Gursky
- João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva
- Shadi Habib Allah
- Peter Halley
- Steven C. Harvey
- Joan Hernández Pijuan
- Federico Herrero
- Christian Hidaka
- Edi Hila
- Thomas Hirschhorn
- Germaine Hoffmann
- Martin Honert
- Edgar Honetschläger
- Sky Hopinka
- Jonathan Horowitz
- Vlatka Horvat
- Dom Sylvester Houédard
- Pieter Hugo
- Marine Hugonnier
- Alexandre Humbert
- Pierre Huyghe
- Fabrice Hyber
- Charles Kaisin
- Suki Seokyeong Kang
- Izima Kaoru
- Tamás Kaszás
- On Kawara
- Mary Reid Kelley & Patrick Kelley
- Annette Kelm
- Žilvinas Kempinas
- William Kentridge
- Hassan Khan
- Kimsooja
- Martin Kippenberger
- Paul Kirps
- Harald Klingelhöller
- Imi Knoebel
- Jutta Koether
- Peter Kogler
- Terence Koh
- Eva Kot'átková
- Carine & Elisabeth Krecké
- Guillermo Kuitca
- Shiro Kuramata
- Alicja Kwade
- M+M
- Michel Majerus
- David Maljković
- Victor Man
- Ana Manso
- Didier Marcel
- Christian Marclay
- Martin Margiela
- Filip Markiewicz
- Isabelle Marmann
- Laurent Massaloux
- Jean-Christophe Massinon
- Andrea Mastrovito
- Park McArthur
- Chad McCail
- Jennifer et Kevin McCoy
- Steve McQueen
- Isa Melsheimer
- Mathieu Mercier
- Annette Messager
- Wesley Meuris
- Svätopluk Mikyta
- Hana Miletić
- Hendl Helen Mirra
- Jean-Luc Moerman
- Raphael Montañez Ortiz
- Aude Moreau
- Rui Moreira
- Robert Morris
- Melvin Moti
- Valérie Mréjen
- Ciprian Muresan
- John Murphy
- Jayson Scott Musson
- Trevor Paglen
- Blinky Palermo
- Miguel Palma
- Laurent Pariente
- Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison
- Martin Parr
- Philippe Parreno & François Roche / R&Sie(n)
- Yuri Pattison
- Eugénie Paultre
- Michel Paysant
- Bruno Peinado
- João Penalva
- Pavel Pepperstein
- Grayson Perry
- Sondra Perry
- Dominique Petitgand
- Raymond Pettibon
- Paul Pfeiffer
- Bernard Piffaretti
- Eric Poitevin
- Nikolay Polissky
- Agnieszka Polska
- Charlotte Posenenske
- Frédéric Prat
- Wilfredo Prieto
- Antoine Prum
- Josephine Pryde
- Tobias Putrih
- Anri Sala
- Fernando Sánchez Castillo
- Charles Sandison
- Tomás Saraceno
- Bojan Šarčević
- Sarkis
- Matt Saunders
- Camille Sauthier
- Stéphane Sautour
- Denis Savary
- Patrick Saytour
- Joe Scanlan
- Thomas Scheibitz
- Klaus Scherübel
- Lasse Schmidt Hansen
- Julian Schnabel
- Eric Schockmel
- Jean-Louis Schuller
- Emil Schumacher
- Thomas Schütte
- Marc Scozzai
- Grit et Jerszy Seymour
- Conrad Shawcross
- Wael Shawky
- Cindy Sherman
- Tiffany Sia
- Katharina Sieverding
- Lorna Simpson
- Sin Wai Kin
- Michael E. Smith
- Nedko Solakov
- Eve Sonneman
- Monika Sosnowska
- Kathia St. Hilaire
- Edward Steichen
- John Stezaker
- Andrea van der Straeten
- Thomas Struth
- Vivian Suter
- Sarah Sze
- Martin Szekely