Thomas Scheibitz
gp 35 (2003) by Thomas Scheibitz (b. 1968, Radeberg) employs flat areas of colour and abstract forms. On close inspection the edges of the two circles and those of the composition itself, reveal the process of painting in a series of superimposed layers, directional brushwork, painting with aerosols and traces of the preparatory drawing. The drips of paint on the left edge of the composition inform us that it was painted at a different orientation. Initial layers of brilliant colour are overlaid with more muted tones. These elements in this abstract composition are drawn from a visual archive that Scheibitz has amassed over many years. The images he collects come from newspapers, magazines, comic strips, and even films. He reinterprets them, changing their scale, reframing and simplifying them to the point where the initial source is no longer perceivable, skirting the boundary between abstraction and figuration.
Thomas Scheibitz gp 35, 2003 Technique mixte sur toile (spray, gouache, peintures vinylique et acrylique)
142,7 x 217,1 cm
Collection Mudam Luxembourg
Donation 2023 – Collection Christiane et Jeff Erpelding
© Photo : Rémi Villaggi