Bruno Peinado
The installations and sculptures of Bruno Peinado (b. 1970, Montpellier) often combine concepts from diverse genres and forms of culture, freely appropriating from classical and baroque styles and popular culture. Good Stuff, The Pleasure Principle (2010), revisits the iconic toy, House of Cards designed by Charles and Ray Eames (1907, St Louis – 1978, St Louis / 1912, Sacramento – 1988, Los Angeles) in 1952. Scaled up to resemble an architectonic or constructivist sculpture, the work is made with the same modular assembly principle, allowing several variations, all created with reference to the Eames design. Composed of 23 colourful ‘cards’ with highly lacquered surfaces, the work also reflects Peinado’s interest in the so-called ‘Finish Fetish’ art associated with Southern California in the 1960s and 1970s. The title of the work playfully refers to a concept authored by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud (1856, Freiberg – 1939, London) to describe the instinctive pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain to satisfy biological and psychological needs.
Bruno Peinado Good Stuff, The Pleasure Principle, 2010 Jeu de 23 cartes, aluminium peint
450 x 600 x 700 cm
Pièce unique
Collection Mudam Luxembourg
Production Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
Acquisition 2010
© Photos : Roman Mensing